Dani has been with Medical Support Services since 2020. When Dani first started, she was non-verbal, had difficulty with new people, and had limited play skills. From the start, both of Dani’s parents were extremely involved in her care and showed great carryover of all therapy skills.

In Occupational Therapy, Dani has worked hard on developing her socialization skills, fine motor skills and self-help skills. When Dani started, she was very apprehensive about therapy and required a lot of time to open up and trust her therapists. However, with time, Dani’s skills began to explode. She now runs into therapy sessions with only a quick wave goodbye. She is able to complete getting herself dressed, feed herself, use scissors and even write her name! She is following multi step directions and is always making new friends at therapy. She is full of spunk and opinions but also full of love and smiles.
In Speech Therapy, Dani has made incredible strides in her communication and feeding skills. When she first started, she relied on a combination of sign language and environmental or animal noises to express herself. Now, she is talking in full sentences, sharing her thoughts, and engaging in conversations with those around her. In addition to her communication growth, Dani has made great progress in feeding. She began therapy reliant on her G-tube for nutrition, but now she eagerly eats a variety of foods and drinks from a cup. It has been amazing to watch her progress as well as to watch her gain confidence in both her communication and eating skills.

Dani’s progress would not be where it is today without the help of her incredible parents. They have spent countless hours working with Dani and being an amazing advocate for her. Being able to witness Dani blossom into the kid she is today has been such a joy for all her therapists at Medical Support Services and we are so proud of how far she has come!
“Dani has developed many skills since starting therapy at MSS. She has transitioned from tube feeding to eating only by mouth independently and drinking more efficiently from a cup. She is speaking in sentences and in front of everyone. At one point, she had selective mutism, which she has overcome. Dani’s sensory sensitivity has improved significantly from previously getting severely startled and upset with applause to performing with her dance team on stage in front of a large audience. Dani has also developed skills including putting on her braces, shoes, jacket, and getting dressed with little assistance. We continue to be amazed by Dani and how much she has grown!” -Dani’s parents, Courtney & Dan Turner