• Feeding Therapy
    • Aquatic Therapy
          • Aquatic Therapy is designed to benefit children by working on therapeutic skills in a gravity assisted environment. The pool setting offers a variety of water-based activities that enhance or restore mobility and function in a warm water environment.

    • Physical Therapy
          • Our therapists will find fun and creative ways to improve your child’s gross motor skills and improve their ability to perform functional daily activities.

    • Occupational Therapy
          • Daily life “occupations”, AKA activities, for children include everything from playing, dressing, feeding, and bathing to handwriting and social interactions. Occupational therapists help to improve a child’s performance and participation in all of those activities.

    • Teletherapy
          • Teletherapy is therapy via a live video connection. The treatment session is similar to an in-person session, however it is over a computer (or other device) instead!

    • Speech-Language Therapy
          • Communication skills are an essential aspect of a child’s overall development, health, learning experiences, self-esteem, and ability to express their basic wants and needs. These skills are also incredibly important to school performance and social interaction.

    • RockStar Kidz
          • Unleash your potential with our dynamic Yoga and Fitness Boot Camp! Our transformative 45-minute sessions offer children and young adults the chance to enhance their flexibility, body awareness, and extend their range of motion. Experience the magic of focused training and improve your posture like never before. Come dressed in your comfy attire, lace-up your tennis shoes, and don’t forget your water bottle. Elevate your fitness journey with us today!

    • Summer Programming 2025
          • Summer break is an amazing time for kids, but as parents/guardians, we can’t help but worry that all this time off from school will cause their skills to fall behind. This concern is amplified for kids with developmental and physical diagnoses. For our 2025 summer programming, kids can join our Handwriting Bootcamp, where they will focus on improving their handwriting skills in a fun and engaging environment! Now they can continue developing their therapy skills while having a great time!

            Summer Programming 2025 


  • Developmental Screenings
        • Mount Pleasant

        • Oak Creek

        • Kenosha

  • Success Stories
        • Blog
        • Check out our blog entries for tips, activities, overviews, and home projects on topics ranging from physical, occupational, and speech therapy!

        • Helpful Links
        • Explore useful resources from other organizations and community partners

        • Frequently Asked Questions
        • Questions regarding evaluations, referrals, or services? This page offers quick answers to the most common questions.

        • Attendance Policy
        • Information regarding cancellations and no-shows for Perm and Flex schedules.

        • Deductible Program
        • This is a program for families with high deductibles. We understand that when your deductible is not met, bills can add up fast! Take control of your finances with our help!

        • COVID-19 Guidelines
        • When to stay home, when to isolate, and what to consider for accommodations, modifications, and assistance.

        • What Should I Expect at My First Visit?
        • It’s natural to have questions and concerns about what to expect during your first visit with us, so here is a summary of what you can expect on your evaluation.

        • School vs Outpatient Therapy Services
        • Navigating the landscape of pediatric therapy services can be complex, particularly when differentiating between outpatient and school-based therapy services. Our guide helps make sense of the differences and similarities.

  • Contact

Language Development in Preschoolers

What is Language Processing?

Language processing is how we organize and connect our language so that we can quickly and efficiently get to the words we are looking for as with talk. Typical language development helps support this process that happens largely behind the scenes and language development in preschoolers can be supported in many ways.

What’s Included in Language and Language Development?

Language is multi-faceted and includes a child’s ability to understand (receptive language) and use language (expressive language). Language can be further broken down into smaller components, like vocabulary, grammar, how we organize sounds, and how we use it socially. There is a lot to learn in the preschool years in particular! Children are taking the huge amount of vocabulary they have learned in the past few years (typically over 1000 words), and trying to apply it in longer, more organized ways, like trying to tell a story, or explain something that happened to them. It’s common for kids to take time to search for the right word and have some difficulty with explaining something longer and more complex. This could be related to their developing language processing, organizational skills, concepts and vocabulary, or the social dynamics of the situation.

3-4 Year Language Milestones

  • Follows 2-step directions
  • Expresses ideas, feelings, and experiences
  • Practices conversation skills
  • Understands amounts (a lot, empty), locations (next to, between), same & different
  • Describing words expand

How Can Language Development in Preschoolers Be Supported?

Listen to the language & guide the skills

Kids need a lot of practice with applying all of the facets of their language to their day, and it’s often going to get messy. When they don’t have the internal skills yet, they will turn to their trusted adults. One of the easiest and most effective ways of supporting language development is to first show kids we’re listening and motivated to connect with them. Maintaining that engagement is not only validating and builds on the support of trusting relationships, but it also maintains a child’s intrinsic motivation to expand on what is being said.

If a child seems to struggle with organizing what they’re saying, such as talking in circles, we can try to reflect what we heard with language that fits the situation and a general sequence of events (“It sounds like first you and Mom went to the zoo, and you saw a big, orange tiger. Then you went….”). Kids will let you know if your words don’t fit with their message and it’s often a great opportunity to practice repairing a misunderstanding. If a child is talking about something that seems unrelated to the situation, it is helpful to ask leading questions to clarify the message, try to connect what you’re doing with what is being said, or provide choices for vocabulary words that seem to best fit the situation.

Typical language development is a natural support

The flow of language supports many underlying skills, such as language processing, conversation skills, storytelling skills, and our social skills. It may be helpful to keep in mind there is a natural progression for the vocabulary we learn, and that the progression also supports how we organize our language to get to words more easily. In general, we learn the names of objects, what they do, what other words might go with an object (i.e. it’s parts, features, color, etc.), and what category it belongs to.

In the background, all this naturally acquired vocabulary is slowly being organized and connected using that same hierarchy. As kids move through 3-4 year stage, they are learning about similarities and differences, which is the next step in the process. That might mean they make mistakes as they try to explain how something going on in the classroom is similar to something that happened to them at home.

When to Refer

General Red Flags:

Difficulty learning & retaining new words and concepts, limited vocabulary, significant frustration in interactions, difficulty responding to questions, consistent difficulty using words that match the situation, highly disorganized conversations or storytelling, difficult to understand

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