Meet Zayne, our newest patient success story at Medical Support Services!
Zayne started coming to MSS August of 2018 for Occupational Therapy. I started working with Zayne in August of 2019. When I first started with him, he required mom’s assistance to transition back to session. He also would not participate in any of our therapists’ activities.
He preferred to hide by mom and refused to play with therapist. When he would want to participate, he would often require assistance. Zayne needed help learning appropriate social skills and interaction with therapists and peers his own age. When the pandemic started, the transition from in clinic visits to teletherapy visits were hard for him. At first, Zayne did very well with telehealth visits and enjoyed participating in his tasks. However, after about a month, he did not want to participate or attend his sessions.
When we were able to come back to the new clinic in June of 2020, he transitioned well to sessions without his mom and was very excited! Since coming back to in-person visits at the clinic, Zayne has participated well in all therapist tasks. Zayne has made so many new friends in OT and continues to learn and grow each day! I am very proud of how far he has come from the beginning of therapy and his potential is unlimited!
-Sara Andersen, Zayne’s Occupational Therapist

Meet Zayne and learn more about him from his mother!
Zayne has come a very long way in therapy compared to when he first got here. When he first started he was hiding by me, did not want to participate in anything the therapist tried, was unable to wait for items that were being played with, and did not socialize with peers his own age. Now he is doing well with participating in therapy without needed me to come back to sessions. He is engaging with his therapist and also with new friends in the clinic. -Zayne’s Mom