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Progressing in Physical Therapy During Summer Break

Looking to continue the progress your child made over the school year in physical therapy? There are plenty of things you can do with your child at your local playground this summer to keep them moving in the right direction and progressing in physical therapy! Here are some suggestions based on goals they may have…

physical therapy



Looking to continue the progress your child made over the school year in physical therapy? There are plenty of things you can do with your child at your local playground this summer to keep them moving in the right direction and progressing in physical therapy!

Here are some suggestions based on goals they may have been addressing in physical therapy:

  1. Strength: Improve your child’s leg strength by having them climb up and down stairs or climb up a slide. Target their arm strength at the monkey bars and challenge them to keep their elbows bent if possible. You can strengthen their core muscles by having them crawl like different animals on the floor. See if they can crawl like a bear, leap like a frog, or creep like a crab!
  2. Coordination: You can improve your child’s coordination by playing catch, kicking a ball, or playing sports that require a racquet. Challenge their whole body coordination by having them climb up a rockwall or dance to fun music.
  3. Balance: Continue to work on your child’s balance by having them sit or stand in the middle of a wobbly bridge or trampoline while you jump around them. You could also play a game of simon says. Have them do activities standing on one leg or while closing their eyes.
  4. Sensory input: If your child benefits from sensory input, then spending time on a swing or seesaw can be a great break for them. You can also find toys that make a lot of noise, shake, light up, or have different textures to see what they like best.

Always remember that therapy should be fun! Get creative and encourage your child to do the same and you will see your kiddo progressing in physical therapy! 

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